As part of your exploration of sexual discovery, you may want to try introducing the joy of anal sex. Gay or straight, bum love can be an intensely pleasurable experience. It can scare some first timers, but for people who have progressed through to the experience of anal sex with a partner, it can offer a sensuous alternative to the garden variety sex.
If you have never experienced the joy of anal sex but you are curious, there are few things you can do to prepare your mind and body. It is also important to remember that this goes for men as well as women. Your anus has a lot of nerve endings and can, therefore, create some delicious sensations, but it does take a gentle approach for many people starting out. Working your way up to something the size of your bloke’s cock is a pretty good idea. If your partner just jumps in at the deep end, the result can be a sore bottom and tears before bedtime.
When getting into anal play, it is important to do it with someone that you trust and love and who do you trust more than yourself? Practicing on your own is a great way to get to know your body. By playing with a variety of sex toys you can explore the spectrum of your rectum.
Why not bring humour into the equation? There are a wide range of fun novelty anal toys, like our coloured fluffy bunny tail. These fun additions can be in place during regular sex with your partner for an extra dimension. Enjoy the learning curve and have a laugh while you are at it.
Quality lubrication will make the path to anal pleasure easier, but doesn’t have to be anything fancy. The best lube for a bottom virgin is a quality unscented, unflavoured silicone formulation that won’t irritate the delicate skin of your anus. Silicone is super slippery but not oily and lovely to use in general. When you graduate to anal sex proper with your partner and you want to explore, there are sensation creating, scented or flavoured personal lubricants.
When preparing for yourself, it is good to start out with small anal sex toys. Initially, it’s best to avoid toys that vibrate. Get used to, and hopefully enjoy, the feeling of something in your bum. Play around to see what feels best. Move it from side to side. Play with the toy…even get into a more typical fucking motion by moving it back and forth.
Once you are comfortable with smaller sizes of toys, you can graduate to something bigger. The goal is get comfy with something the size of your bloke’s penis is usually best. This will prepare you for the joy of actual anal sex with your partner.
If you have a partner who wants to engage in loving in the seat, you can head to the main event and try anal sex together. As with losing your virginity vaginally, your first time with anal sex can be an intense experience, so ensure that the two of you communicate. Some people have had bad initial anal sex experiences which may prevent things from progressing, so take your time. Make the joy of anal sex a positive experience.
The first time might hurt a little at the start, but this is temporary for most people. Once the initial penetration has taken place, slowly and well lubricated, the experience can be exhilarating, liberating and sensuous. As long as you go at your own pace, don’t feel pressured and use a bucket load of lube, you’ll do just fine. If it is still painful, slow things down and perhaps have him play with a smaller toy while your body adjusts.
Communication the thing that will make the whole experience a positive one. Gently does it at first and increase depth and pressure once it is comfortable and desirable. Explain to your partner just what you are comfortable with, and maybe give you a warning if they are trying to change anything. Trust is really important when engaging in new sexual activities.
Over time it does get easier and you may soon find that you can’t get enough of the joy of anal sex.